AASHTOWare Bridge Design & RatingTM software information
Overview of AASHTOWare's Bridge products, including Bridge Management, Bridge Design, and Bridge Rating.
Verification of ODOT's Load Rating Analysis Programs for Metal Pipe and Arch Culverts
The main objective of this study was to evaluate and improve ODOT’s current load rating procedures for corrugated metal culvert.
Published by MDOT
MDOT Bridge Advisories
The Bridge Advisory (BA) is intended to convey information to MDOT, local agencies, and contractors working for these agencies. The intent of the advisories is to provide guidance and share information on bridge safety, bridge inspection, bridge management, and bridge load rating issues.
Published by MDOT
MDOT Load Rating Resources
A list of bridge and load rating resources published and hosted by the Michigan DOT.
Published by MDOT
"Michigan's Load Rating Technical Support Program", The Bridge, December 2011
"The Bridge" newsletter introduces the "Bridge Load Rating Assistance Program", developed by the Center for Technology and Training.
Published by Bridge Load Rating Program
AASHTOWare Bridge Load Rating - Default Control Options
AASHTOWare's Bridge Load Rating program allows users to set default control options. This document details the process for setting system defaults
MDOT Load Rating Resource Page
The Michigan DOT Load Rating Program is administered by the Bridge Load Rating Unit. This resource page contains forms for reporting bridge analysis assumptions and summaries, recent bridge advisories, guides and specifications, and analysis resources such as bridge analysis spreadsheets and AASHTOWare BRIDGE RATING VEHICLE LIBRARIES.
AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Tutorials
AASHTO has nearly 100 tutorials to help users with conducting load ratings for various types of structures. Tutorials also illustrate how to use new load rating software components such as gusset plate analysis, 3D modeling, and curved girder analysis.
MDOT Camelback Tutorial
This tutorial is a general guide for modeling a camelback bridge in AASHTOWare Bridge Rating. The tutorial methodology relies on a sample MDOT standard plan bridge that has a 60-ft reinforced concrete girder with a 22-ft roadway, but it should be adapted accordingly for any modifications to the standard plan and for the specific rebar present in the bridge.
Published by MDOT
Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Culvert Rating Spreadsheets
These spreadsheets aid a qualified engineer, using sound engineering judgment and familiarity wtih the analysis, in inputting values and completing the bridge load rating analysis of a corrugated metal pipe culvert structure.
Published by MDOT
MDOT Vehicle Library Setup
The CTT has created a tutorial to assist with the process of downloading vehicle descriptions from the MDOT Load Rating Resources website and importing the descriptions into AASHTOWare Bridge Rating.
Bridge Rating Technical Notes
AASHTOWare occasionally releases Technical Notes with patches that address minor issues found in AASHTOWare Bridge Rating & Design. Relevant patches should be installed as soon as you are able. Each current Technical Note includes a pdf that describes the issue, how to resolve the issue, and how to install the other file available for download. This page requires a username and password that you should have received with your license paperwork.
Published by MDOT